Saturday, 8 February 2014

3D Print Gallery

Updated 10/2/2014

This post will be an on-going gallery of parts that I've printed on my RepRapPro Mendel or pictures and videos related to the machine itself. The first section will be videos, the second shows a lot of my prints to date, including the first few prints and the third section is pictures related to the machine, calibration etc. The machine has come a long way from the blobby messes it was creating when I first set it up!


Video - 3D Printing a Screw Cup - One of my first prints!]

Video - A few layers of an Elephant shaped Cookie Cutter
(Showing off my new blue lights!)

Video - Testing Slic3rs new "Spiral Vase Mode"
If you look closely you can see the plastic as it flows out of the nozzle

3D Printed Parts:

In the beginning, before calibrating the machine.
It took me a long time in the beginning to understand why things like these holes were happening.
In this case it was just printed too hot!
Screw Cup - Natural ABS - .25mm layers
(Video here)
Swiss-Army Keys - Gold PLA - .25mm layers
Cat - Glow in the Dark PLA - .25mm layers
(Ironically for a cat, you can see IT in the dark and it cannot see YOU ;-)
Micro Heart-Gears - Gold PLA - .25mm layers - Really turns!
File Handle - Grey ABS - .33mm layers
An Antique Bicycle part replicated for a customer, the 3D printed part is the green one.
Decorative Roses - Natural and Green ABS - .33mm layers

3D Printed Lamp Base - Black ABS - 50 pieces in total

Pictures of my modified RepRapPro Mendel:

(only RepRappers and geeks need read on ;-)

My RepRapPro Mendel kit has arrived! Time to start making my 3D printer!
Machine frame and mechanics complete! Next the hot end and electronics! 
Just about ready to print now! Just have to hook up a few more connections.
Ready to begin! 

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